[Coming soon]…Paysalia 2021

With the situation of these challenging and crucial times, for respecting the health regulations and caring for everyone, at Famavi we are preparing for Paysalia in 2021.
Let's hope that by 2021 everything will return to normal or at least be more controlled. That is why we prepare well in advance and we will be able to go with good planning and attend perfectly.
We will see each other again We will not disappoint, we will be there.

Faced with the situation of ces temps difficiles et cruciaux, in respectant les normes sanitaires et en prenant soin de tout le monde, chez Famavi nous nous préparons pour Paysalia en 2021.

We hope that by 2021 it will all come back to normal or that it will be more controlled. C'est pourquoi nous nous préparons bien à l'avance et nous pouvons y aller avec une bonne planning et y assister parfaitement.

Nous nous reverrons

Nous ne décevrons pas, nous serons là.

With the situation of these challenging and crucial times, by respecting the sanitary norms and caring for everyone, at Famavi we are preparing for Paysalia in 2021.


Let's hope that by 2021 everything returns to normal or that at least it is more controlled. That is why we prepare well in advance and we can go with good planning and attend perfectly.


We will see each other again

We will not disappoint, we will be there.

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